My goal in this project was to practice the workflow of redesigning a simple website. This involved identifying and analyzing
the flaws of a pre-existing website, creating low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototypes for an alternate design, then coding
a responsive website based on the prototypes.
Choosing the Website
Since most large companies have teams of UI/UX designers working on their user interfaces to create the most seamless experience,
I chose to analyze the flaws of a website for a small local museum.
Low-Fidelity Desktop Prototype
Identifying Usability Problems
Finding Problems
Design issues that I address include:
The lack of visual hierarchy harms the efficiency of the website.
This makes finding specific information such as museum hours or
ticket pricing more difficult to find since the user must scan the large block of text.
There is no immediately obvious way to navigate back to the museum homepage if
the user would like to review information about events or exhibits.
When choosing a date to visit the museum, the calendar date picker does not display
the museum availabilities. Allowing the user to see which dates they are able to come visit
saves them the hassle of choosing a date only to find that the museum is closed or fullly booked.
Accessibility (Investigated using WebAIM WAVE)
Wave identified 2 errors with the page including:
Lack of alternate text for an image
Lack of alternate text for a form
WAVE also identified 15 alerts including:
Small text
Large block of justified content (creates potentially confusing or hard to read white spaces)
Unlabeled form control
Redundant links
Not clearly labeled links
Possible headings (that are not given proper highlighting)
Visual Redesign
Annotated Wireframes
Click to enlarge
Low-Fidelity Desktop Prototype
Low-Fidelity Tablet Prototype
Low-Fidelity Mobile Prototype
Visual Design Style Guide
High-Fidelity Prototyping
Note: If the Figma does not load propery, try refreshing the page.
Responsive Redesign
I used the CSS framework Bootstrap to easily create a responsive website based on my high-fidelity prototype.
Redesigned Website
Thought critically about the design choices of a real website
Used hierarchy principles to better present information
Used Figma to create a visual design style guide and high-fidelity prototypes
Thought about the user experience for various screen sizes
Learned how to accommodate for various screen sizes using Bootstrap